terça-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2007

Tuesday 11 December

tuesday the 11 we did a toutorial on microsoft word 2007 and will have a test on friday

Reflection on Why Did We Create a Blog

"What is the primary reason that we created our IT blogs?"

I think that we are creating a blog so that we don't use paper and also to communicate with people without wasting annything exept electricity also we created a blog for our homwork to not waste paper, (the primary reason is beacause not to waste paper)

terça-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2007

Hello my name is luis and I have a lot of friends they are really good friends there name is Carlota,António, Kiko, Sofia, Rudy, Tommy, Seb Ma, Julia and a lot of other people. I wellcome you to my blog!!!